The U.S. announced an end to the coalition fighting Islamic State in Iraq. But it's not clear how many troops will remain in ...
The World of Carl Sandburg, if not everybody's world, has long been a popular one. Over the years Sandburg, who was first a poet of the pioneering Midwest school, has sifted down into ...
One of the most remarkable figures in thoroughbred racing is France's stout carelessly dressed Germaine Vuillier 71, the grandmotherly breeding manager behind the traditions and the profit ...
With Beau Geste, Christopher Wren roused such wholesale devotion to the gallant Brothers Geste of the French Foreign Legion that he ...
"Poor organization and failure to run stronger candidates" beat his party in many areas in 1958, wrote Vice President Richard Nixon in a post-mortem after the Democrats won the House ...
The 86th Congress passed away whimpering. The short, post-convention summer session ordered by the Democratic leadership to make campaign hay turned into a Democratic fiasco. Bill after bill ...
Of all Southeast Asia's neutralists, none has made the art pay better than Cambodia's unpredictable chief of state, Prince Norodom Sihanouk, 37. Since 1955 Sihanouk has extracted ...
There is a pious belief* held by many ignorant persons, that in holy water no disease can breed or be transmitted. Pious the belief may be, but nevertheless in Balboa, C. Z., last week, the ...
When you buy something using these coupons, we may earn a small affiliate commission. TIME is involved in the coupon selection process, working closely with Savings United to bring you the best ...
Lifting up his voice in Newark, N.J., Nominee Hoover addressed himself to Labor, including "the woman who stays at home as the guardian of the welfare of the family. She is a partner on the ...
Nearing completion last week at Bristol, Pa., were four 20-passenger, all-metal monoplanes, to be the largest in the U. S., smaller only than a few German planes.They are equipped with ...
Twenty years ago the Fisher brothers organized their motor car body business as a Michigan corporation. It prospered collaterally with the motor industry. Two years ago Fisher Body's net ...