It might be better to hibernate for a while”; President warns of pitfalls of government relying on “the third party” ...
Demonstration against uncontrolled immigration takes to Lisbon’s streets; CHEGA leader describes “historic day” ...
Firefighters received 25% increase for combat during September’s nightmare week; Government announces “symbolic repayment” ...
All parents want their children to be safe, happy and, ultimately, successfully educated. However, it is important that the ...
Portugal and Spain have agreed to set minimum daily flows for the Tejo river, and “for the the first time” to establish the ...
Biometric data collection of non-Schengen citizens at airports opens new can of worms; President of Portuguese Tourism ...
Thousands demonstrate in various parts of country for “a house to live in”; Fourth demo in space of year shows housing crisis ...
Viceroy at Ombria Algarve hotel opens on October 1. The Viceroy at Ombria Algarve hotel, located in Tôr, promises a new ...
Marcelo “denies” trying to influence choice of candidates ; Expresso claims Marcelo “ready to do everything” to thwart ...
An evaluation by the Bank of Portugal into a capital share injection by insurance company Generali/Tranquilidade into ...
Appeal court judge, investigated in two criminal cases, promoted to highest court; Leader writer warns: “Remember the name of ...
Troia touristic developments must stop immediately; Dunas Livres association wants to avoid “irreversible damage to landscape ...