The Generalitat of Catalonia will assume responsibilities in immigration following the agreement reached this week by Junts and PSOE. The truth is that the agreement contains many uncertainties. In ...
Pope Francis has been hospitalized for more than three weeks at Rome's Gemelli Hospital due to infectious bronchitis. Since then, the Vatican has been providing constant updates on his health status, ...
Charles III's health is deteriorating rapidly. The doctors have been clear: the disease is progressing, and they don't give him more than a year to live. Aware of the seriousness of his condition, the ...
Costco has found a way to compete with Popeyes in the chicken product market. The supermarket giant has launched its own version of frozen chicken nuggets, which are becoming a hit in the United ...
Princess Leonor has raised all alarms upon her arrival in Montevideo, Uruguay, due to her health condition. The heir has undergone a complicated journey that has affected her well-being aboard Elcano.
Los altercados de esta semana en Salt han abierto un intenso debate en la calle. Donde unos ven emergencia habitacional y ...
Banco Sabadell ha realizado un anuncio que ha sido recibido con entusiasmo en el ecosistema emprendedor. Durante el salón ...
Aumenta la tensión alrededor de Marcus Brandler, el actual novio de Paloma Rocasolano. Y es que, tal y como han confirmado, ...
Casi un mes después de que salieran a la luz sus comprometidas imágenes junto a Tom Cruise, Ana de Armas ha reaparecido ...
Lidl sabe que viajar en familia puede ser una experiencia increíble, pero también puede ser agotadora. Especialmente cuando ...
Jordi Alba ha sido una figura fundamental en el Barça durante más de una década. Tras su partida en 2024, el mejor lateral ...
La tensión en Salt se ha trasladado al Parlament, en la sesión plenaria de este miércoles. La diputada de la CUP Laure Vega ...