A man in Waxahachie, Texas, went viral Monday after a video was posted on social media with a caption that said the man paid $4,000 for a guitar signed by Swift. The vide ...
Health authorities in the US are studying seven people who developed influenza symptoms after being exposed to a Missouri bird flu patient, raising the possibility of the ...
The Cape May County "Open Spaces" program needs to live up to it's name & start preserving open space again. There is plenty of land for sale around the county. The County should contact the owners of ...
To the spouter who said Trump is terrified of losing to Harris, a woman and prosecutor to boot. You got that right. He is already saying the election is rigged and putt ...
Cape May County - World is on the brink of WWIII and VP Harris says "Don't" to Iran. Current regime is funding a society in the Middle East that doesn't allow women to flourish in business or gay ...
The recent words by Trump calling Harris mentally impaired amount to one thing. Trump is terrified of Harris. A woman is beating him and he can’t handle it. She is ev ...
Hurricane Helene has unleashed massive destruction on our country.The Biden/Harris Administration has just stated that there's no extra money for FEMA to help these p ...
The mayor of wildwood and cronies need to resign as soon as possible They need to let an honest bunch of folks run this city. Your other partner did the right thing so ...
Trump cheated on his wives , he cheated contractors & vendors, he cheats on his taxes, tried to cheat the election, cheated business associates , he’s a draft dodger ...
Got stopped by a State officer, says, "I pulled you over for your inspection sticker. Been a lot of accidents in the area due to people not getting their cars ins ...
WWII and Korean War vets would never support somebody like Trump who mocked a POW hero like John McCain. How any military vet could vote for him is beyond comprehe ...
Sad that the United States has to rely on Israel to take out missile sites in Yemen who are shooting at US Naval Ships in the Red Sea - under Biden and Harris the ...