Fakhoury was appointed CEO in 2016, having joined the group as COO in 2007. With over 30 years of hospitality management experience, he is currently managing 12 projects. In March 2024, Cristal Group ...
International companies play a crucial role in MENA, significantly impacting its economic, technological, and social landscapes. These companies bring substantial investments, create jobs, and ...
Al Hatmi joined Asyad Group since its establishment in 2016, Oman’s state-owned logistics and supply chains company, along with 16 subsidiaries and three major ports. In October 2023, Asyad Express ...
ADIB provides banking services to more than a million customers, with 62 branches in the U.A.E. The bank is also present in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Sudan, Iraq, and the U.K. In March 2022, the ...
El Shenawy cofounded Khazna with Omar Saleh, Ahmed Wagueeh and Omar Salah in 2020. It aims to improve the financial well-being of underbanked Egyptians. In 2022, Khazna recorded more than a million ...
CoinMENA is a crypto-asset provider for the Middle East, which is regulated and licensed by the Central Bank of Bahrain. Investors can buy, sell, store, and receive digital assets and be able to ...
Hamad bin Jassim Al Thani was prime minister of Qatar between 2007 and 2013; he also served as foreign minister from 1992 until 2013. His great uncle founded modern Qatar in 1971, and he’s a cousin of ...
<iframe src="https://www.googletagmanager.com/ns.html?id=GTM-NQSWVMP" height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"></iframe> ...
Al Remeithi was appointed Group CEO of Emirates Steel Arkan in 2021, when it was created by a merger between Arkan Building Materials and Emirates Steel. The company has since expanded its ...
التحق شيخ الحلو إلى كوبر فارما في عام 2000، وأصبح المدير العام للشركة في عام 2005، ثم تولى منصبه الحالي في يوليو/تموز 2024. في فبراير/ شباط 2024، وقعت ...
انضمت دانا إلى (DANA Group) في عام 2008 وتولت منصبها الحالي في شركة (Duluth Medical Technologies) في عام 2019، التي تعد جزء من المجموعة العائلية وتتخصص الشركة في ...
انضم الصفّار إلى مركز العاصمة للفحص الصحي عام 2019، بوصفه مديرًا للشؤون المالية، وتولى منصبه الحالي في سبتمبر/ أيلول 2023. في حين يشرف المركز على ...