A tumble, a tackle: Anything can bring on a sidelining sports injury. Now, four experts in such injuries at Penn Stat ...
Blood cancer is not a diagnosis anyone wants to receive, but understanding the different types of this disease and ...
Over the past decade, rates of preterm birth in the United States jumped more than 10%, a new study of more than 5 mi ...
The first new type of medication in decades to help fight against schizophrenia was approved on Thursday by the U.S.
Folks who depend on e-bikes and powered scooters to get around know they might get hurt, but they might be surpris ...
Babies conceived through assisted reproductive technology are more likely to be born with a major heart defect, n ...
In a sign that climate change may be fueling heat illnesses in kids, a new study reveals that such visits to two ...
Grandma's pill organizer. Fido's pain medication. A tossed-away tissue.All are potential sources of opioid poisoning ...
Patients with opioid use disorder who receive higher doses of a drug to treat their addiction are more likely to ...
An experimental monoclonal antibody treatment appears to ease the digestive disorder ulcerative colitis in patients w ...
If you think it isn't important to start breastfeeding your newborn while still in the hospital, think again.New rese ...
Chroming, where toxic fumes from common household items are inhaled for a quick high, is on the rise among youth and ...