Joy is a very holy pursuit. And no day exemplifies this more than Purim.
More than accomplishment, Judaism values effort.
Several celebrities have converted to different religions for various reasons including Sofia Richie, Isla Fisher and Karlie ...
Trump is considering entering Israeli politics and declaring his candidacy to become Prime Minister of the Jewish State. Mazel tov!
Having completed the last two and highly important Torah portions, Yitro and Mishpatim, we come face to face with the very essence of Judaism. Joined together by the letter vav, at the beginning ...
A rabbi who has performed hundreds of funeral writes that the answer speaks not only to how we honor the dead, but to what we ...
The report, published by IMPACT-se, shows remarkable acceptance of Jews and Jewish history, focusing on collaborations ...
People think they are free because they have been taught that all morality is relative, and you can do what you like so long as you do not harm others.
My friend Rich had a deeper understanding of our tradition than those with high IQs.
This view is shared by most adherents in nearly all religious traditions, including 82% of Jews, 79% of Catholics, 57% of evangelical Protestants, and 56% of Muslims. (From the US Religious Landscape ...