Here is the scoop on where to find Xur in Destiny 2, what exotic and legendary items are on sale and whether any are worth ...
Cubicle 7 has just announced a brand new Horus Heresy RPG, set in the defining moment of the Imperium's history. How will you ...
“The Horus Heresy is the founding story of one of gaming and science fiction’s best-loved settings” said Cubicle 7 owner ...
Today Games Workshop and Cubicle 7 Games announce a new roleplaying game set in the grimdark science fiction world of ...
Bungie reveals the return of Moments of Triumph for Destiny 2, teasing new rewards, milestones, as well as confirming the ...
Sidearms have become a more popular weapon archetype in Destiny 2'sCrucible. Their short TTK values at close range make them ...
Grenade Launchers are one of the strongest weapon archetypes in Destiny 2 — today, we're ranking the very best of them.