Whether they’re soaking up the sun or diving into snowbanks, dogs have a way of making every weather forecast an adventure.
What's up with dogs peeing on fire hydrants? Buckle up as we aim to discover what’s behind “fire hydrant syndrome in dogs.” ...
Is it a Ferrari? A couch potato? Or maybe a mix between the two? Introducing the Greyhound, the dog breed known for its sleek, aerodynamic features and amazing speed, but only when it's absolutely ...
If your dog won't put weight on his back leg, you are rightfully concerned, dog's don't go limping like that unless there's a good reason to. Discover several potential causes for back leg lameness in ...
Everybody knows that dogs are blessed with a superior sense of smell, but have you ever wondered what makes your dog's nose so incredibly powerful? Sure, with roughly 300 million olfactory receptors ...
If the skin on your dog's stomach turned dark, you are likely wondering what's going on with your canine companion. A sudden color change on your dog's stomach is something worthy of investigating, ...
There are several home remedies for swimmer's ear in dogs, but it's important to tackle any underlying causes for this annoying ear problem. Failure to tackle the root cause, will cause repeated ear ...
A dog walking sideways may appear peculiar and may even generate a laugh, but in some cases walking sideways may be a sign of a potential underlying problem that will need to be addressed. Discover ...
A muzzle punch in dogs is something that shouldn't be underestimated. Indeed, muzzle punches should be taken seriously, as based on context, they can sometimes be a warning of an impending future bite ...
If you are looking for home remedies for elbow calluses in dogs, rest assured, he's not alone. Countless dogs get elbow calluses and the reason for them is as simple as being a dog. Discover five ...
Abdominal breathing in dogs is something to be concerned about. It can be a hallmark sign of significant respiratory compromise and the breathing may be labored. Have your dog see the emergency vet at ...