Across the pond, the oldest river in Europe is thought to be the Meuse, which flows 950 kilometers (590 miles) through three ...
Can fear be fun? What happens to eyes during the mummification process? All this and more exclusively in the latest issue of ...
Antibiotic resistance is the term for when bacteria no longer respond to antibiotics – they cannot be killed or have their ...
Researchers have resurrected a strange seed that was discovered in a cave in the Judean desert during the 1980s. According to ...
"This is WILD. This is an 'emission line' from hydrogen gas, where an electron drops down an energy level and gives off a ...
The latest study proposes three candidates for the start of the Anthropocene, but argues that the 1950s was the most likely ...
B uilt and designed over 50 years ago, the Soviet K-222 submarine still holds the record for the world's fastest submarine ...
Its influence on better-known ancient civilizations is unknown, but may well have been an important missing piece in our ...
Neanderthals have always been human, technically, in the sense they belong to the genus of great apes known as Homo alongside ...
Such is the story behind a new dinosaur species, named Labocania aguillonae, whose dramatic discovery took place in – well, a ...
Located in northeastern Florida, the city was founded all the way back in 1565 – 20 years before Roanoke and 42 years before ...
A nova is a temporary brightening of an old white dwarf. This aged stellar remnant steals material from a companion, ...