Apex legends: SettingsDX12.json not found (EA Client)
It is an EAC issue. But reinstalling and repairing isnt helping, ive dont each about 3 times already haha. EA-Blocked e from the EA-Help Customer service.
Apex Legends | Foro | EA Answers HQ | ES
Apex Legends Primeros pasos Todo lo que necesitas para empezar: información de las monedas del juego, subir de nivel, mecánicas, personalización y otras características de Apex Legends.
Solved: unban apex legends - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
Hi, I hope you're doing well. I know that is not the right place for BAN, but I just wanted to know if somebody got banned and EA unbanned him/her. My account is hacked and someone tried to do everything in my account, for cheating to all, at least I returned my account, but I saw in email that I …
Solved: Apex legends restarts my pc - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
After 4 days of having the issue, I decided to re-install windows 10. So I did .... As usual, I re-installed every game I play and As Usual, Every game runs smoothly without any issues..even with Better performance except Apex Legends ..... That game still has the same pc restarting issue ....Please help me to fix the issue asap . My PC Spec :
Apex Legends: Upheaval Patch Notes - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
Dev Note: The Digi represents a sharp power spike in Apex—a single loot item that both counters and synergies with a specific Legend. Its power ebbs and flows with the Legend meta in a way that proves very difficult to tune. We’re giving the 1x Digi a hiatus while we investigate healthier optic based perks. LEGENDS . Ash. Arc Snare
Apex Legends Crashes after 1 minute - EA Answers HQ
To repair the game right click on Apex Legends in your Origin Library, then click on the Repair option when the menu comes up. If it still happens after that I'd also recommend clearing out the Origin cache in case there's a problem with the client's crashed data.
Apex Legends | Форум | EA Answers HQ | RU
Apex Legends ПЕРВЫЕ ШАГИ Узнайте все о валютах, развитии и персонализации персонажей, игровом процессе, а также других возможностях Apex Legends.
Apex Legends Download Error on EA App - EA Answers HQ
There was indeed an EA app outage last night that affected new downloads or repairs of Apex Legends via the EA app. This issue has now been resolved. I'll hereby also close the thread.
Solved: Engine Error: FS_CheckAsyncRequest - Answer HQ - EA …
Apr 20, 2023 · From “My Game Library”, right click Apex Legends -> Game Properties -> Advanced Launch Options. Add "-eac_launcher_settings SettingsDX12.json" to Command line arguments. Click “Save” and launch the game normally. Steam. From your library, right click Apex Legends, and select Properties.
apex legends ea app stuck at finalizing/repairing at 67%
So i tried installing the latest update today and i got a problem now that the game wont download or stop finalizing it is always stuck at 67% i tried launching the ea app it with admin and it still dosent work thx for all helps